Sociable Weavers build huge nests with Kalahari Sour Grass, much like apartment buildings. Hundreds of these birds can be found in a single “apartment”.  

Community nesting provides some protection against predation but sometimes it also becomes a target for a determined hunter.

Badgers are excellent tree climbers and they will often raid nests, destroying huge portions of the nest in a hunt for chicks and eggs.  Another villain is the Cape Cobra!  We have been fortunate enough to witness both such events.  On our latest trip to the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, just outside of Twee Rivieren camp we spotted a Cape Cobra diligently inspecting each nest hole for his meal while protesting weavers created a racket.  

Despite furore and dashing back and forth they never once pecked the invading snake, although one came close to pecking his tail.  A lot of other bird species would been a lot more daring!

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